Henderson Pest Services Supports Lyme Disease Awareness Month!

May 4, 2016
May is Lyme Disease awareness month

May is Lyme Disease awareness month. This event, supported by the Lyme Disease Foundation, is a campaign which promotes preventative measures which can be taken against Lyme disease. Lyme Disease is an acute inflammatory disease caused by the bite of a tick infected with the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi; which can result in Lyme Disease being spread through the bite of ticks which carry the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium.

  • Tiny, Silent and Possibly Deadly

Ticks are tiny. Their behavior is much different than that of mosquitoes. They don’t fly up and bother you before they land and bite. Ticks simply climb on you as you walk by and then quickly travel up your body, often to a hidden location behind your knee, your ear, near your groin or on your midsection. If you aren’t intentionally looking for them, you probably won’t find them. Tick bites are painless and unless you become ill you may never even know you were bitten.

Mainline PA Tick Control

One of our priorites at Henderson Fertilizing is to help keep you and your family safe from the threat of vector-borne illness and disease. In the US there are two main species of tick which carry and spread Lyme Disease. These are the  deer tick or black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) in the North central and Eastern parts of the country and the Western black-legged tick (Ixodes pacifus) on the West (Pacific) coast. Here in the Carolinas the deer tick is of primary concern for the potential to spread Lyme Disease. Over the last few years, there has been a steady increase in the number of reported cases of Lyme Disease. With this in mind, we want to raise awareness of the disease in order educate both young and old about Lyme Disease and the steps you need to take in order to prevent coming into contact with a tick that could make you a loved one, or even your pet very sick.

Erythema migrans (EM) rash prevelant in approximately 70% of Lyme Disease cases. Erythema migrans (EM) rash prevelant in approximately 70% of Lyme Disease cases.


Raising awareness of Lyme Disease starts in your own backyard! Knowing how to properly eradicate and control the tick within its natural environment is the first step in reducing the chance of coming into contact with a tick that could potentially harbor the bacteria which causes the disease. Our Flea & Tick control program is a proactive way to take control of your backyard this season and guard against potential disease-carrying ticks, and fleas, all in one!

Tiny TIcks

Flea and Tick control has become very popular with our customer base. Many customers with young kids or dogs who may be rolling around on ground are at risk for getting bit by fleas and ticks. While fleas are mainly a nuisance, tick bites can result in a host of tick-borne illnesses, include Lyme Disease! Henderson Fertilizing can eliminate fleas and ticks from your lawn so you can enjoy your outdoors without the worry!

We recommend a minimum of four (4) flea and tick control applications for season-long protection. If you are in a heavily wooded location or rural setting, additional applications may be recommended based on weather conditions. Get peace of mind with our flea and tick control applications! Call or email today for a FREE estimate! Call us at 484-472-7010 or visit our website at hendersonfertilizing.com.

Henderson Fertilizing


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