Rodents can bite and carry dangerous diseases. It is important to call a professional to handle these pests rather than trying to deal with an infestation yourself. When cleaning up rodent droppings, always wear gloves and cover your nose and mouth for safety.
Identification: Appearance can differ depending on the type of mouse. Typically, mice are small enough to fit inside of the palm of your hand and can be any range of gray, brown, or even white. Their tails are short when compared with rats. They are typically quiet creatures who will sneak around, so you may notice the droppings or a nest or hear them before any sighting.
Behavior & Diet: During the winter months, mice may seek warmth and shelter in your home. Mice prefer to nest in close proximity to food and water, which is often behind kitchen appliances, behind cupboards, or in holes and wall voids. They are very resourceful in building their nests and will use whatever materials are on hand. They are also very quick breeders, as a female mouse can have up to 60 offspring in just one year.
Identification: Like mice, rats can be a variety of colors. They are much larger than mice, however, and can be up to 16 inches long. They have long, skinny tails without fur. The two main species of rat in North America are the Norway Rat and Roof Rat. Both species are primarily nocturnal and not very social animals, so you will likely only ever run into them at night.
Behavior & Diet: Depending on the type of rat, their nests can be found high above ground or below ground in burrows. They live in packs and when a pack must compete with another for food sources, they may search for new resources in your home. Most rats will feed on just about anything that humans discard — some even eat meat and insects. Rats are known to carry diseases and other pests like fleas and ticks, so if you suspect an infestation in your home call the professionals quickly.